Welcome to the Lagotto Romagnolo Association (LRA)
The Lagotto Romagnolo Association (LRA) was started in 2012 by a group of Lagotto owners and enthusiasts dedicated to the safeguard and perpetuation of the Breed in the UK.
The LRA exists for the benefit of its Members, and the Committee aims to provide a full range of regular functions and other activities to promote the training, showing and other disciplines pertaining to the Lagotto Romagnolo; as well as encouraging good health, management and breeding. The LRA also encourages its members to participate in training, such as therapy dog work, obedience, field-working, agility, nose-work activities, conformation shows and canine educational events.
If you require any help or advice on any aspect of owning a Lagotto, please use the CONTACT page. We are always happy to receive any feedback.
We hope you enjoy reading through the interesting information we have provided here.
The LRA exists for the benefit of its Members, and the Committee aims to provide a full range of regular functions and other activities to promote the training, showing and other disciplines pertaining to the Lagotto Romagnolo; as well as encouraging good health, management and breeding. The LRA also encourages its members to participate in training, such as therapy dog work, obedience, field-working, agility, nose-work activities, conformation shows and canine educational events.
If you require any help or advice on any aspect of owning a Lagotto, please use the CONTACT page. We are always happy to receive any feedback.
We hope you enjoy reading through the interesting information we have provided here.
MEMBERSHIP New and RENEWALS ... click here
UK individual Membership is now £8.00 and UK joint Membership is £10.00
International individual Membership is £5.50 and £7.50 for International joint Membership. |
LRA Raffle - Terms and Conditions
held in partnership with Gundog Society of Wales
Club show entries have been extend to 3rd Oct via Onlineshow entries
Please enter Wales too - two shows in one.
And Wales is
held in partnership with Gundog Society of Wales
Club show entries have been extend to 3rd Oct via Onlineshow entries
Please enter Wales too - two shows in one.
And Wales is