Eye Conditions
As a numerically small breed in the UK, no eye conditions are recognised as breed specific to the Lagotto. The British Veterinary Association does not currently publish results of ophthalmic tests carried out on Lagotti under the KC/BVA schemes, but responsible breeders have their dogs examined for the most prevalent inherited canine eye conditions.
Any dog used in a breeding program should have a current KC/BVA eye certificate was undertaken within 1 year of the planned mating.
Read more about the Eye Scheme operated by the British Veterinary Association (BVA).
There is a condition called Distichiasis, where extra eyelashes grow incorrectly and can cause irritation to the surface of the eye. A KC/BVA certificate will indicate clearly if there is evidence of this problem or other similar conditions that may need veterinary attention.
Any dog used in a breeding program should have a current KC/BVA eye certificate was undertaken within 1 year of the planned mating.
Read more about the Eye Scheme operated by the British Veterinary Association (BVA).
There is a condition called Distichiasis, where extra eyelashes grow incorrectly and can cause irritation to the surface of the eye. A KC/BVA certificate will indicate clearly if there is evidence of this problem or other similar conditions that may need veterinary attention.