A History ...

The Lagotto Romagnolo (water dog) is a very old breed dating back to Roman and medieval times. A picture of this dog can be seen in an Italian Fresco by Andrea Mantegna dating back to 1456. This small to medium breed was used for centuries as a water retrieving dog by the Valloroli in the Marshlands of Comacchio and Romagna in Italy. With their owners, the Lagotto were used to beat the hunting grounds of Ravenna diving for hours in to the water retrieving game. With the gradual reclamation of the Marshlands in this part of Italy the breed gradually lost its’ function as a waterdog and evolved as a truffle dog with its unbeatable sense of smell and it’s sharp aptitude for searching.
By the 1970s the breed was risking extinction and thanks to a small group of Lagotto enthusiasts this fantastic breed was saved. ‘ The Club Italiano Lagotto’ was finally formed in 1988.
Today the Lagotto is unique as it is the only pure bred dog in the world recognised as a specialised truffle searcher although they have certainly not lost their ability to retrieve on both land and water.
By the 1970s the breed was risking extinction and thanks to a small group of Lagotto enthusiasts this fantastic breed was saved. ‘ The Club Italiano Lagotto’ was finally formed in 1988.
Today the Lagotto is unique as it is the only pure bred dog in the world recognised as a specialised truffle searcher although they have certainly not lost their ability to retrieve on both land and water.
These dogs may look cute and cuddly and they are, but first and foremost they have had years of breeding to form functional working dogs. They are small to medium size and are very clever, with an abundance of energy (you can however get the odd couch potato). They need as much mental stimulation as exercise. Agility, heel work to music and gundog work are just a few of the things they are well suited to. The Lagotto is not a breed recommended for the first time dog owner. Some are extremely clever and manipulative. They learn very quickly (you need to be continually one step ahead of them) and they can learn bad habits as quickly as they learn the good ones! Like most dogs they prefer routine and consistency.
They are very affectionate dogs and love being with their humans. Some can can be reserved with strangers, but once known to them they won't forget and will exhibit an extremely enthusiastic greeting. They can be quite vocal, although not yappy and they make good alert dogs. They are gentle and sensitive as a breed and extremely loyal to their humans. If you are precious about your garden then this breed is perhaps not for you, however if you would enjoy some 'help' in the garden, then they are ideal! Being truffle hunters they like to dig, but they like to dig for anything and everything! They love to swim and shake the residue enthusiastically! Unfortunately, this does not exclude mud and worse!