Canine Hoopers UK was formed in 2017 to provide UK handlers and their dogs with a fun, fast, low-impact sport. By maintaining flowing courses of low impact obstacles it is suitable for all dogs and handlers. You can find more information and videos of hoopers from https://www.caninehoopersuk.co.uk.
The Good Hoopers Award Scheme is offered by all Accredited Canine Hoopers UK Instructors and their training clubs, upon successful completion of each assessment you will be awarded with a lovely certificate to mark your achievement and a beautiful 4 tier rosette to display proudly!
Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Originally developed in the USA under NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council) it has gained in popularity in the UK. Based loosely on agility, it’s about guiding dogs through hoops at ground level over a course . Unlike agility, it doesn’t have the tight turns or high impact equipment, but still involves speed and skill over flat based equipment, including hoops, tunnels and guiding around barrels. Due to the type of equipment and less complicated skills It also means that puppies, old dogs, and retired agility dogs can take part. It’s also easier on the handler compared to agility, as the dogs are taught distance work. The handler stands still as the dog is directed around the course, responding to hand signals and verbal queues.
For further information the following associations can be contacted.
CHUK- Canine Hoopers UK
UK Hoopers
Canine Hoopers World.
The Good Hoopers Award Scheme is offered by all Accredited Canine Hoopers UK Instructors and their training clubs, upon successful completion of each assessment you will be awarded with a lovely certificate to mark your achievement and a beautiful 4 tier rosette to display proudly!
Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Originally developed in the USA under NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council) it has gained in popularity in the UK. Based loosely on agility, it’s about guiding dogs through hoops at ground level over a course . Unlike agility, it doesn’t have the tight turns or high impact equipment, but still involves speed and skill over flat based equipment, including hoops, tunnels and guiding around barrels. Due to the type of equipment and less complicated skills It also means that puppies, old dogs, and retired agility dogs can take part. It’s also easier on the handler compared to agility, as the dogs are taught distance work. The handler stands still as the dog is directed around the course, responding to hand signals and verbal queues.
For further information the following associations can be contacted.
CHUK- Canine Hoopers UK
UK Hoopers
Canine Hoopers World.