stages to buying a puppy

There are several stages to buying a Lagotto puppy once you have decided that it is the right breed for your family.
- A Lagotto is an affectionate animal, it forms a close bond with its owner and also makes a fine, easy-to-train companion if the owner is prepared to commit to structured training.
- A small/medium sized friendly dog, with an appealing face and happy smile, but do not be deceived, these are not the easiest of family pets and not necessarily the best choice for a first time dog owner. Bear in mind that you are buying a working dog, whose Italian ancestry is a typical farmyard dog, used only to working and living outside, not a breed with many generations of domestication behind it. Left to their own devices and without purpose, they will become bored and naughty. They need to work or be occupied.
- As a consequence of being highly intelligent, they can sometimes be highly strung and some will react like a farmyard collie – shooing visitors away, barking and being fiercely loyal to ‘their people and places'.
- They need exercise, but not mindless rounds of ‘the block’. They need stimulation, 25 minutes of great, interesting places is better than 40 minutes of the same route, so go the other way round, vary your route, walk with different friends, cross the road, vary the park you use and best of all find them something to do that they love. Then you will have a contented dog who is quick and lively, learns lessons well and best of all comes home and happily goes to sleep whilst you get on with other things.
- Coats can be hypo-allergenic, but definitely have to be regularly groomed to prevent matting and the occasional clip-out will help to keep a Lagotto comfortable. Unless you can learn to do this yourself, you will need to factor in the costs of a Dog Grooming Parlour into your routine expenses. Look out for LRA Grooming Seminars - these are held in various UK locations throughout the year.
Firstly, you need to find a reputable breeder. Our Breeders Section here and the Kennel Club Assured Breeder list are your first port of call, but it is unlikely that you will find a litter born where puppies are still available. There are few Lagotto breeders in the UK and inevitably all will have a waiting list for their puppies. Most will want to meet you before adding you to the list, so be prepared to travel to meet breeders in their homes, at shows or other events. Lagotto puppies are few and far between, so the trick to getting a puppy is to get your name on waiting lists with breeders that are interested in and fussy about the home you have to offer their puppy and, above all, be patient! If you have a colour or gender preference, you might have to wait even longer, so try not to be too specific. Above all else, temperament is far more important than colour.
Check out the criteria of a responsible breeder, the health testing that is required and the systems in place to ensure that rearing and homing the puppies is of the best. Recheck our Breed Info section for Health to see what testing is available for the various conditions that may affect a Lagotto. In simple terms, the Lagotto Romagnolo Association asks that BOTH PARENTS should be tested and have certification for the following conditions in order to be placed on our Puppy Register:
You might also find a breeder of the Lagotto via another Breed Club (UK or overseas) listing, personal referral, or listed on a commercial website. Whilst there are genuine breeders out there, please be careful with this approach as no guarantees can be given as to reputation or breeding practices. It doesn’t matter where your puppies comes from or if they are Kennel Club registered, you should still ask the same questions, as per this guidance.
When the breeder lets you know there are puppies available, it may be that the litter is not old enough for you to see, and it is quite likely not old enough to take home. Many breeders encourage new owners to visit several times as the puppies are growing. This gives time for you to ask any questions you may have and to see the mother interacting with them. It also gives you time to be certain that a Lagotto is really the breed for you. Also expect to be thoroughly “vetted” by the breeder to determine your home life is suitable for a Lagotto puppy. A responsible breeder will ask many questions of you before they agree to sell you a puppy.
accommodation / puppies premises
When you visit, you should see the puppies in their normal environment. They should not be brought to you from a different part of the premises.
They should be kept in clean accommodation and be pleasant and relaxed to handle. You should see their mother with them right up until they are weaned and their teeth start to appear, at which time there will be regular times apart, in order for the nursing mother to start her recovery and for the puppies to transition towards independence in anticipation of joining their new families. Most careful breeders will want you to wait until the puppies are three weeks or more before visiting to allow the dam to focus on her litter and not be too disrupted by visitors. Once the pups have eyes opened and are moving around, she should be accepting of visitors and show no sign of fear or aggression to you, and the puppies should be confident, out-going and be happy to meet you and not be nervous or withdrawn. Be prepared to work within the breeder's time frame with visits. Rearing puppies is exhausting and the routine of care is demanding. Arrive on time and accept the 'rules of the house' to keep the stress levels as low as possible. |
Please ask to see a copy of the puppy’s pedigree and parent’s health certificates at an early stage. Because the UK gene pool for Lagotto is very small, some dogs are “closely bred” which means they are the offspring of family member matings. The LRA maintains a database of all UK registered Lagotto, and if you have concerns about a pedigree, then please contact the Secretary for further information.

Apart from all the standard paperwork you will get when you collect your puppy, most responsible breeders will also have their own sales contract. This should be given to you in advance of collecting your puppy, so that, as with any other type of contract, you are given the chance to read and digest its contents before signing and to ask any questions you consider relevant. Do make a point of asking for a copy during one of your early visits, as it avoids any misunderstanding at a later stage. You should be aware that many breeders place restrictions on their puppies for breeding and export purposes. This is normal practice for breeders that wish to protect the future of the breed. Such restrictions and any associated conditions should be thoroughly explained to you, especially the terms for potentially lifting them, and be fully understood before any contract is signed.
bringing puppy home
When you take your puppy home, you should get a diet sheet, a supply of the food they have been reared on, details of if/when and how the puppy has been wormed and a copy of the pup’s pedigree. Your new puppy will have been micro-chipped and possibly vaccinated already. Before you collect your puppy you should ask the breeder if the following documents will be available on the day: microchip transfer form and details, possible vaccination documents (although most breeders will ask you to settle your puppy in before vaccinating or using other pharmaceutical products) and the Kennel Club Registration document (which should be signed on the back by the breeder before you leave with your puppy). If any of these things are not readily available, you will need to satisfy yourself as to the reasons why. Just because they are advertised as Kennel Club registered does not ensure the breeders are responsible. But, equally, you will need to make your own decision about the breeder(s) - they will be your support system for some years to come. Choose a breeder that will be available to you with help and advice.
You should sign the Registration Document on receipt and send it with the relevant fee to the Kennel Club to have the registration of ownership transferred from the breeder’s to your name. It is recommended that you insure your new puppy. This is often a condition of sale and you may receive a short term cover note that can be extended if you so wish. Alternatively, take advice of recommended pet insurance policies. The first year is an important phase of development and a potential for accidents and development issues. Rest assured that veterinary care can be expensive and it is advised to protect yourself from an unexpected expense.
health check
As with any considered purchase, it must always be buyer beware. But, do remember that this is very different from buying a washing machine! Take on board that the responsible breeder will have a huge attachment to the puppies and will only have their best interests at heart. Nonetheless, if a breeder says that they don't do particular testing because they "don't have a problem", consider that they can't be sure just how the next generation is affected without having test results for the breeding dogs to substantiate this claim. Check our Health Section for breed-specific health information.
responsible breeders
Responsible breeders should be able to show you certificates to demonstrate the status of their puppies either because the parents have been tested, or that the puppies have been individually tested, which can sometimes occur in special cases. They should be able to explain how the various health testing schemes operate and relate them to the breeding they have carried out.
Remember that in genetics, there are no guarantees. Breeders can only do their best to inform themselves regarding the ancestors' health and temperament of the dogs they choose to breed and, of course, to take steps to rear healthy and well-adjusted puppies. Mother Nature will have the final say! But, the best way to proceed is to work with a breeder that supports and educates in all areas of puppy-rearing. Those that care will be responsible for all litters they breed. Many will insist on a dog being returned to them if you are unable to keep it and/or will help with advice and in the worst case, in the rehoming . This is often embodied in a sales contract. The Lagotto Romagnolo Association makes no guarantee as to the quality or fitness of any puppies offered for sale on the Puppy Register and can accept no responsibility for any transaction between the purchaser and vendor. |