Most exhibitors that decide to proceed along the judging route have had some success in the show ring and perhaps bred some puppies in their chosen breed. They will have involved themselves in breed events and taken every opportunity to learn from more experienced exhibitors and attend seminars. It is a natural progression for enthusiastic exhibitors to learn how to examine a dog correctly and evaluate each dog against the Kennel Club Breed Standard. You will find the Lagotto Breed Standard(s) under the Breed Info Section of this website.
In the process of training a dog to stand and move correctly, many exhibitors attend Ringcraft classes held in their local area. They will learn to handle their dog so that a judge is able to get their 'hands on' and also to move across and around the ring. These classes will prepare the exhibitor for their first time attending a licenced KC Show and as they progress together, they will forge a firm partnership.
Ringcraft classes are the perfect platform to learn to 'go over' dogs and by offering help in all areas you will show that you are keen to learn and get more involved in the hobby. Be prepared to ask questions. In time you are likely to be asked to take a class or judge a match. Once the procedure of the show ring is mastered, judging and placing the dogs from the ringside will naturally follow and from this point, you will probably be keen to judge at a Limited or Open Show. Now would be the time to check out the Kennel Club requirements for entry onto Level One of a Breed Club's judging list.
Attend all the seminars, including a Breed Appreciation Day for your breed and then you will be qualified to apply for your name to be included. Some of the seminars can be taken online at the Kennel Club, while others will need you to attend in person. Once all the seminars have been taken and passed, contact the Breed Education Co-Ordinator (currently Hilary Male - see the KC List) and also the Association Secretary.
The Kennel Club website outlines the requirements that must be fulfilled to be listed on the first Level of the Judges' Education Programme.
In the process of training a dog to stand and move correctly, many exhibitors attend Ringcraft classes held in their local area. They will learn to handle their dog so that a judge is able to get their 'hands on' and also to move across and around the ring. These classes will prepare the exhibitor for their first time attending a licenced KC Show and as they progress together, they will forge a firm partnership.
Ringcraft classes are the perfect platform to learn to 'go over' dogs and by offering help in all areas you will show that you are keen to learn and get more involved in the hobby. Be prepared to ask questions. In time you are likely to be asked to take a class or judge a match. Once the procedure of the show ring is mastered, judging and placing the dogs from the ringside will naturally follow and from this point, you will probably be keen to judge at a Limited or Open Show. Now would be the time to check out the Kennel Club requirements for entry onto Level One of a Breed Club's judging list.
Attend all the seminars, including a Breed Appreciation Day for your breed and then you will be qualified to apply for your name to be included. Some of the seminars can be taken online at the Kennel Club, while others will need you to attend in person. Once all the seminars have been taken and passed, contact the Breed Education Co-Ordinator (currently Hilary Male - see the KC List) and also the Association Secretary.
The Kennel Club website outlines the requirements that must be fulfilled to be listed on the first Level of the Judges' Education Programme.