Archie was born on 22 September 2008 as one of the 'SUPER' litter from the Gaesten Kennel. His pedigree name is Gaesten Supersachie and he was one of 7 puppies (3 boys and 4 girls). We collected him from the breeder and drove north to Scotland (450 miles) - he was fabulous throughout the journey although he did become very sick towards the end and by the time we got him home, he just curled up in his 'new' bed and slept the rest of the night. He was a delightful puppy - playful and fun.
Archie was the first male lagotto to come to Scotland and so we wanted to give him a distinctly Scottish name and so we named him ARCHIBALD HAMISH. From the very beginning we knew that he was very clever and would often outsmart us both - more times than I care to remember!
Archie lives beside Loch Lomond and we are very lucky to have such beautiful scenery and wonderful walks for him. He is OFTEN swimming in the loch or at the many beaches that Scotland has. He loves the water and the more stormy the sea or loch, the more he seems to like it. He is fearless and brave. When he isn't swimming he can be found seeking things to carry - like a stick!
We wanted the breed to be better known in Scotland (currently there are still only 8 lagottos) and so we decided to show him at dog shows. We have been showing him now for three years, and he has had a very successful dog show career. He is very easy to handle and a delight to exhibit.
As he matured we knew he would be a good 'Pets As Therapy' volunteer dog and so we began training. We qualified in August 2013 as a 'Therapy Team' and he now visits various places each week - nursing and care homes and he works with a children's hospice taking part in home visits.
He has his very own webpage ... or you can find him on Facebook at